My Dream Job

My favorite handbag company Belen Echandia is having a month long competition for their Twitter followers and Facebook friends.  Today’s question “Dream a little dream… what would you do for a living, if you could do anything?”  While I already answered it via tweet, I was inspired to write more.  For me, answering this question is just as easy as “What’s your name?”

I love hockey.  It brings me joy and happiness.  If I’m having a bad day, I can put on a hockey game and feel better.  I watch hockey whenever it’s available.  I’m season ticket holder for the local AHL team.  I love reading about hockey.  Not a single day goes by when I’m not thinking about hockey.  To me, there is no better job than Commissioner of the NHL.

From the NHL’s filing in court regarding the bankruptcy case of the Pheonix Coyotes some important information about the Commissioner’s job is found.  I found the filing via the Globe & Mail,

The NHL Commissioner serves as the Chief Executive Office of the League.  He is expressly charged with protecting the integrity of the game of professional hockey and preserving the public confidence in the League.  He has the responsibility for general supervision and direction of all business and affairs of the League, and the NHL Constitution grains the Commissioner all powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill those responsibilities.  The NHL Constition grants the Commissioner the authority to interpret the provisions of the Constitution, By-Laws, and League resolutions and rules, and their application and enforcement.  The Commissioner’s determinations with respect to such matters are final and biding and not subject to review.

Every single part of that job description sounds incredible!  Protecting the integrity of the game and preserving the public confidence in the NHL are things that have actually kept me up at night.  I have ideas on how to improve the NHL’s profile amongst sports fans in general, increase the community outreach, make hockey more accessible to new fans, improve the economics of the league, and so much more!

Without question, without hesitation, my dream job is NHL Commissioner.  I’m sure my response sounds strange and out of the norm, but it’s completely from the heart.  My dream of being the NHL Commissioner is so strong, I’ve created a blog that’s my outlet for my Commissioner dreams and ideas.  I completely understand that it’s incredibly unlikely I’ll ever have the job, but it is my dream.  I’ll continue to write, rant, tweet and share my ideas, hopes and thoughts.  I just can’t imagine stopping!

Happy 4th of July!

Today is the 4th of July and in the United States, our Independence Day.  I’ve visited Independence Hall in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was signed.  Today is a day to celebrate our freedom and remember all of those who have fought for it, are fighting for it, and especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Where I live, it’s also the time of barbecues, picnics, spending time with family, and fireworks.  I’ll be enjoying all 4 a bit later today.

I had a little fun earlier and took some pictures of my Red Sheen Protect Me, Dark Blue Crash Angel Purse and Pewter Crash Clutch Me to celebrate the 4th.

A healthy, happy and safe 4th of July to everyone!

Great Video about Drive

In March, I read Drive by Daniel Pink and loved it.  Recently I saw this video by RSA Animate.  It’s an animation of a talk Daniel Pink gave RSA.  This is an excellent summary of some of the main topics of the book and just a great way to learn about what motivates us.  I really wish I could devise a way to send this some members of management at my company.  There’s really so much people could learn.

Happy Fastnacht Day

Today is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday or where I live, Fastnacht Day!  The Fastnacht (or Fasnacht or Faschnacht) is way to use up all lard, sugar, fat, and butter before Lent.  In the Pennsylvania Dutch area, fastnachts are sold all over the place, including the grocery stores.  I personally can’t stand them, but I know so many other people love them.  When I was in school we used to get either a fastnacht or a glazed donut with our lunches today.  I’m sure they don’t do that anymore since fastnachts are not healthy at all.

Here’s an example of a Glazed Fastnacht I bought today.

Hope everyone has a very Happy Fastnacht Day!


Hello World.  I’m starting this blog to talk about the things I love: Handbags, Fashion, Music, and Literature.  I’m sure I’ll add additional random musings though I’ll try to keep that to Twitter or Posterous.